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- 2020 Revaluation
2020 Revaluation
Revaluation is the process that matches your tax value with what your real property is worth on the open market at the time of the revaluation. It covers all residential and commercial land and structures, such as homes, apartments, condos, stores, office buildings and warehouses. It does not include what is known as personal property, such as cars, boats and airplanes. The values for these are adjusted annually.
Frequency Requirements
State law requires all counties in North Carolina to reappraise property once every eight years. The last revaluation of Cherokee County became effective January 1st 2012.
Appraisal Value
Property is appraised at fair market value, which is the most probable price a property would bring in a competitive and open market. Property values for revaluations are determined by comparing sale prices for similar properties, what it would cost to replace your property, the potential income of the property and many other factors.
An appraisal provides a basis for determining a property owner’s share of the taxes that support schools, roads, parks, public health programs, libraries, police and fire protection. The amount you pay depends on both your property value and the tax rates set each year by the elected officials.
Purpose of Readjustment
This readjustment in values makes the county’s tax system more fair and equitable, because the values are based on what the property is worth on the open market. This ensures that all property owners are paying their fair share of the tax burden.
Properties are usually grouped together based on them having similar characteristics and react to the market in similar ways. The most typical example would be a subdivision with homes of similar age, style and construction, and also have lots selling for comparable prices.
How is an appraisal done?
The Assessors Department divides the county into approximately 370 neighborhoods. These neighborhoods are groupings of properties that have many of the same characteristics and react to the market in similar ways. The most typical example would be a subdivision with homes of similar age, style and quality of construction, which have lots selling for comparable prices.
We then analyze all sales in the county to establish what the land value should be in each neighborhood. The land values are then subtracted from recent package sales (house and lot) to determine the value of the buildings. That helps us establish the Schedule of Values (SOV). The SOV contains the rates to be applied to land and buildings to estimate the market value of all properties in the county. The Cherokee County Board of Commissioners must approve the Schedule of Values created by the Tax Assessors department before it becomes effective.
How to appeal your new assessed value
If you wish to request an Informal Appeal, please choose from one of the three methods below:
- Mail the completed Informal Appeal form and supporting documentation to: Cherokee County Tax Assessor 75 Peachtree St., Suite 232 Murphy, NC 28906
- Scan and attach the completed Informal Appeal Form and supporting documentation to teresa.ricks@cherokeecounty-nc.gov
- In person at the Cherokee County Tax Assessor’s Office located at: 75 Peachtree St., Murphy NC 28906
Teresa Ricks
Tax Assessor
Kathy Killian
Lead Real Property AppraiserPhone: (828) 835-3296, ext. 1826
Tax Assessor
Physical Address
75 Peachtree Street
Suite 226 Office #232
Murphy, NC 28906
Phone: 828-835-3296 Ext. 1819Fax: 828-835-7013
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.